621st Raven
15Friends 3Fans
male N/A, N/A, United States
621st Raven
3 weeks ago
[meme] https://images.plurk.com/74tHztgW41ADGjSG9MJbfQ.jpg Color vibes for me?
621st Raven
1 months ago 11
[Game Design rambling] Hi there, I would like to ramble about what is probably a more advanced topic with regards to game design.
621st Raven
1 months ago 4
[petty salt] Okay, hey, guys doing game dev on nextfest.

I know you likely put a lot of work into them but you can stop making soulslikes now. You saturated the market. I don't want to try any of them.
621st Raven
1 months ago
[meme] Name a video game I've played, I'll try to give you an opinion on it?
621st Raven
1 months ago 4
[meme] https://images.plurk.com/3eD8TcJLdpVajHFEVYrIRi.png get to know me better
621st Raven
1 months ago
[meme] Sure, why not. What makes a character bait for me?
621st Raven
2 months ago 45
Time for me to ramble on about one of my favorite games of all time. But not the aspects one would perhaps consider at first.

In this case, I'm talking about Final Fantasy Tactics. People better-read than me can probably explain the themes, writing, and whatnot to a much better degree, but I'm going to be going in a different direction for this
621st Raven
2 months ago 27
[neg][mh] welp. wal-mart's not a choice for job hunting for another fucking month I guess
621st Raven
2 months ago 60
[touhou] [this is actually dumb]
So, speculating on cast adjustments of Labyrinth of Touhou 3 (which will likely be releasing in a 4 months, give or take one). This will be a bit and it's incredibly silly but I want to get this out of my head
621st Raven
3 months ago 14 @Edit 3 months ago
[gbvsr] since I'm getting back into this again, TDL and speculation/musing