7 months ago
I've been looking up ways to make money with art for the past 2 years and I think the more I look at it and the methods/avenues everyone keeps telling me involving doing shit like make a course or sell assets or make a print marketable so you can sell it just makes me actually physically ill like my stomach feels awful lmao
latest #8
7 months ago
like venom is building up in my fucking gut dude
I literally just want to make the things that I can't exactly express what they are and be able to just afford shit
I guess stories and experiences? shit like cowboy bebop and macross plus and wolf's rain and lain and Eva and a whole slew of music and games
7 months ago
I shouldn't have to worry about profitability I should worry about putting the shit together period and making it have as much feeling in it as I can because that's all that matters in the end
7 months ago
i will buy sokky art
7 months ago
not to get too political but a society in which everyone was guaranteed basic food housing and healthcare would actually be the greatest thing to ever happen to art. artists would be able to create what they wanted and not have to worry about turning a profit, not having to focus more on the product than the art
7 months ago
I can say for the past couple years of running a youtube and a patreon that I have made almost all my money off of teaching others how to make art, not off of the art I actually made. to do the latter I would need to make a marketable product, which I could do, it would just take a lot of time and limits what I can do
7 months ago
plus by making it paid I inherently limit the potential audience
7 months ago
libraries really are kind of a miracle when you think about it
7 months ago
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