kimburkey wonders
14 years ago
so is the narrator not ellison? i thought this was ellison's life story.. is this just like a fictionalized story of his life pretty much?
latest #6
EmilyP1 says
14 years ago
No, I think it's completely fictional.
joekunz says
14 years ago
Yeah. It's fiction.
14 years ago
That's really interesting...I never saw it as his life story, just always as fiction.
ZackW11 says
14 years ago
yeah this is a fictional writing as discussed in class, it seems realistic because of facts that are used
14 years ago
Also, the first person narrator with no way to identify him out side of the "I" can be misleading, but it is entirely fictional.
14 years ago
Read the introduction if your book has one. It says enough about Ellison's life that I figured it wasn't about him.
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