[音樂歌曲][翻唱][KOKIA -フクロウ ~フクロウが知らせる客が来たと~/貓頭鷹 ~據說讓貓頭鷹傳信的客人來了~]
[台V][台灣][VTuber][Ci醬][CiCiCi the cirycle 的 荒荒荒]
@CiCiCi_Cirycle - #フクロウ~フクロウが知らせる客が来たと~ 今天 的 身分是 坐在 ...
[台V][台灣][VTuber][Ci醬][CiCiCi the cirycle 的 荒荒荒]

When the show ended it flew back to its owner's house. We're living in the fucking future, man.
Apparently his neighbor, with whom he sometimes does videography/editing work, has her own fucking drone for filming.
I just can't believe drones are already to the point that people can have their own private flying robots.