22Friends 48Fans
female San Francisco, CA, United States
I'm owned by a big dog...

zyrcster shares
14 years ago 1
'Flickr' - tinyurl.com/2boun7p
zyrcster shares
14 years ago 1
'GGB from below' - tinyurl.com/yctkmy2
zyrcster says
15 years ago 1
I feel invigorated for the first time in a long time. Getting stuff done. Yay. Go 2010.
zyrcster asks
15 years ago 10
anyone checked out backupify yet? www.backupify.com/index....
zyrcster says
15 years ago 11
given that 'they' They is a third-person, personal pronoun in Modern English and 'their' is std English for a person of unknown gender....
zyrcster says
15 years ago 4
donated my symphony tix tonight as I think I have the flu. It'll be WFH tomorrow at this rate.
zyrcster says
15 years ago 2
farm3.static.flickr.com/... my god it's grey and cold and wet here.
zyrcster says
15 years ago
wow. wicked lightning and thunder during the night.
zyrcster says
15 years ago 7
the dog caught and killed a rat, the yard is flooded, and I picked a bad day to walk to the laundromat (rain rain rain wind and rain).
zyrcster shares
15 years ago
'horse sense' - tinyurl.com/yc2tbnw