i feel so much better about getting this costume done in time after today, ahhh.
time 2045824 when ive asked myself why the hell i decided to cosplay mondo
i kinda wanna buy the duck tales remastered game...
hmmm, i think i'll start playing ac4 first from my christmas game pile. i haven't played my ps4 for nearly a year and i'm starting to feel kinda bad for it.
i wish i could dye my hair pink. i think i could rock it, but i have to be a Serious Teacher.
i was thinking about how much mewtwo's tail looks like a dick, then i wondered why bad dragon doesn't make pokemon dicks, then i remembered nintendo has the rights...to the poke dicks...
i just burped so loud i made ivan purr. i'm not sure what this means.
the donkey kong game in nintendoland is suffering