13Friends 10Fans
male Makati, Philippines
silverbacks, sharks and macarons.

jay-ohhh says
15 years ago
Moonpools and Caterpillars - Soon - Live
jay-ohhh says
15 years ago
Moonpools and Caterpillars - Beep Beep Juan Dela Cruz lupet :-))
jay-ohhh says
15 years ago
napadaan lang ulet sa plurky durky (LOL)
jay-ohhh is
15 years ago
watching Taxi Driver again after so many years :-))
jay-ohhh says
15 years ago 3
first climb, old dreads, maong pants for trekking, funny shoes, mongolian bigote zoopilipinas.com/files/b...
jay-ohhh says
15 years ago
jay-ohhh says
15 years ago
morocco vs. pinas zoopilipinas.com/files/c...
jay-ohhh is
15 years ago
if you know what you got, then you aint got much --- god the pimp.
jay-ohhh is
15 years ago 4
not going to la union anymore. it's not a free world na eh. nah, actually it's because it's not a free trip hahahaha
jay-ohhh says
15 years ago 7
i so knew it was a bad idea to turn to you that night...