19Friends 8Fans
female Brunei Darussalam
I may not be stunning, not skinny, not pretty, not nice, not funny, not popular, not hot, not perfect but at least, I'm not FAKE! Everyday I'm learning more about who I am. I am seeing myself and others in a new light and I decided I will not settle
zizie13 feels
12 years ago
zizie13 thinks
12 years ago
wat to cook for dinner later :-o
zizie13 says
12 years ago
yes,i think you should shut your mouth up rather than you pretends like you know everything.thats more irritating me
zizie13 loves
12 years ago
Delfian So much
zizie13 shares
12 years ago
zizie13 shares
12 years ago
my Delfian So much https://images.plurk.com/99cfb8fc5fe131b496e16d7982406740.jpg
zizie13 is
12 years ago
The best business is to mind your own business!!!! Yes?? ;-)
zizie13 shares
12 years ago
listening to the nonsense talk about someone's life is a pathetic way of entertainment.it doesn't contribute to the good of the society.
zizie13 shares
12 years ago
Da best n most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.They must be felt with da heart."https://images.plurk.com/0967cc55aee983e6c28c71a27ef71ae3.jpg
zizie13 says
12 years ago
My 2nd days of puasa. Alhamdulilah..(woot)