2Friends 1Fans
female caBa, Philippines
I aM wHO i aM.. yOUr oPiNiON Is neItheR dESIreD NOR reQuiRed...boRn On The 22th of May 1990..at ARound 6:10 in the MoRniNg..tHeY gAVE mE nAME AND thAT is zaMBrEE mAE .[FAm and friendS]..I wanna share my life with them through all eternity. When I hav
zhammy is
15 years ago
Add mE up pO!
zhammy is
15 years ago
buSy wiTh stuDieS!. :-)
zhammy is
15 years ago
getting the shoW on the roAD! :-P