[24]* ZELLA
101Friends 137Fans
female Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
[YM n Facebook]
[email protected]
goodness is something you don't have to chase cause it's following you (Vanessa Carlton - Carousel)
[24]* ZELLA says
9 years ago
Ziggy kecil pacaran di kelas tiap pulang sekolah. Buah jatuh tak jauh dari buah sebelumnya. (woot)
[24]* ZELLA wonders
9 years ago
why can't we be friends the way we were? It feels so awkward when I'm trying to reconnect and have fun with you but you feel like I'm MAKING FUN of you. Relax dude, no one's attacking anyone.
[24]* ZELLA
9 years ago 4
[24]* ZELLA
9 years ago 10
[24]* ZELLA
13 years ago 2
la la la~ WHATEVER! (banana_rock)
[24]* ZELLA
13 years ago
okay karma. im giving up on you
[24]* ZELLA
13 years ago
[24]* ZELLA
13 years ago
[24]* ZELLA
13 years ago
who puts up the stars at nite?
[24]* ZELLA
13 years ago
if heartache was a physical pain i could take it