13Friends 59Fans
male Portland, OR, United States
pleasure activist, zen dawg, beer snob.
yuetsu has
10 years ago
a brand spankin’ new post on the “i also went...” blog: Kyogen Obiturary In The Oregon
yuetsu has
10 years ago
a brand spankin’ new post on the “i also went...” blog: Kyogen Obiturary In The Oregon
yuetsu has
10 years ago
a brand spankin’ new post on the “i also went...” blog: “Falling Leaves” - For Kyogen
yuetsu has
10 years ago
a brand spankin’ new post on the “i also went...” blog: The Memorial
yuetsu has
10 years ago
a brand spankin’ new post on the “i also went...” blog: Good-bye, Great Light
yuetsu has
10 years ago
a brand spankin’ new post on the “i also went...” blog: Good-bye, Great Light
yuetsu has
11 years ago
yuetsu shares
12 years ago
hey, buddy - put the mouse back in the house, ya big hamm. www.huffingtonpost.com/2...
yuetsu shares
12 years ago
one of the many reasons why i find corgies adorable and wish i had one one so (landlady says: no pets. =sigh=). cheezburger.com/71299514...
yuetsu shares
12 years ago
now on chromium version 27.0.1447.0 (189155). gee, thanx chromium updater extension.