51Friends 150Fans
male Jakarta, Indonesia
yud1 thinks
ロクデナシ「愛が灯る」/ Rokudenashi - The Flame of Love【Officia...
#nowplaying . . . semacam kepikiran, Ai ga Tomoru itu Flashlight, tapi dalam bentuk past tense. cuma beda satunya api, satunya senter. /krik

suits me better these days. I guess.

yud1 thinks
2 days ago 2
in a dark place, how do you spark the light when the fire inside you is close to extinguished?

sparks are dying. embers are withering.

yud1 says
3 days ago 1
habis nonton Firefighter Daigo jadi fokus kalistenik/bodyweight training. habis nonton Bartender jadi iseng racik minuman sendiri buat buka puasa.

. . . anaknya rada gampang terpengaruh, ya. (aku)

yud1 says
4 days ago
today I looked back into the time machine. I was in my mid-late 20s. those were the plurks I wrote. those days weren't perfect, but they were happy days.

'but you can always make new happy days', the saying goes.

I wish, I really do. but not today, not the way things have been, no. but I wish.

yud1 feels
4 days ago
BSOD in a do-nothing day. or maybe more like 'circuit break'-ing myself.

I'm just a little unwell, I guess.

yud1 says
6 days ago @Edit 6 days ago
tadi siang sempat pengen ngeplurk. sudah nulis, ketik-ketik-ketik... kemudian terbengkalai.

baru (bisa) buka plurk lagi jam segini. baiklah ga jadi. hedeh.

yud1 says
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
sampai rumah, sholat, makan, rasanya sudah terkuras macam sudah malam sekali . . . tapi ternyata baru jam 8. bagus juga begini, dalam beberapa hal.

sudah perlu tidur lebih awal sepertinya. mungkin hari ini aku rehat latihan dulu.

yud1 says
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
Jakarta mendung pagi ini. kelabu. dulu aku tak pernah relate merasa 'bunyi' dengan omongan 'warna seperti menghilang', tapi rasanya ya... begitu.

kemudian hari ini datang lagi. aku hanya perlu bertahan dan menyelesaikan hal-hal sampai maghrib nanti. mungkin aku cuma berharap hal-hal lebih mudah hari ini. soredakedeii.

yud1 thinks
1 weeks ago
for the first time in a long while (like 'years', basically), I feel kind of 'not bad' when I looked into the mirror today. still some way to go, some never-before personal goals, but good to see the training paying off, I guess.

to be 'the best I could be', eh.

then again, I'm not that special. and I'm just somebody, yeah.

yud1 thinks
2 weeks ago
it's not hard to let go when there is nothing to fight for to begin with.

I should know.
