Dr. Yubsie
257Friends 44Fans
female ON, Canada
Folkmore: Hera Syndulla
Dr. Yubsie
2 days ago 5
https://images.plurk.com/rRpdDWNUzWpz77tiIzmmk.jpg https://images.plurk.com/69kEaJuVYeYBmraGMdxVFP.jpg It's closer to fitting this year :-P
Dr. Yubsie
2 days ago 45
https://images.plurk.com/4TSw4Ox1B470f9EqgN7QW9.jpg non-Canadians, what do you call these?
Dr. Yubsie
4 days ago 18
Finding an Easter outfit is hard when you have a boy who wears 12 month but hates onesies. I just want a shirt with a bunny or a lamb or something on it
Dr. Yubsie
6 days ago 1
Fugue on 'Donald Trump is a Wanker'From six years go. Sadly still relevant.
Dr. Yubsie
1 weeks ago 7
It occurs to me that I may have brought some of Gavin's climbing on myself given that one of the characters his middle name references is FREAKING SPIDER MAN
Dr. Yubsie
1 weeks ago 22
https://images.plurk.com/6kiPs8dEmv0y8H7thRD9PP.png Umm Wookieepedia? Why is the article title a name she has NEVER GONE BY?
Dr. Yubsie
1 weeks ago 7
Spectacular Spectacular came up on Gavin's playlist while he was in the high chair so Squall and I started acting it out. Gavin thought this was HILARIOUS
Dr. Yubsie
1 weeks ago 1
Saw Stomp. Pretty sure Gavin is trying to audition for it. :-P
Dr. Yubsie
1 weeks ago 5
so I was playing some kids music for Gavin on Spotify and at the end of the playlist it went weird places and it started playing a version of Wheels on the Bus where for some reason there were BEES on the bus
Dr. Yubsie
1 weeks ago 1
What am I doing with my day off? Cleaning ALL the things!