100Friends 4Fans
female St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City State (Holy See)
Please let me know who you are if you want to send a friend request so I don't have to guess!

Leslie @ Aefenglom

Queer woman who goes by Yosie. I roleplay sometimes.

7 years ago 16
[league of legends msi]
7 years ago 33
[love live] The sudden influx of 20 N seals calls for preparing the idolization of my cool UR for the token grind. With a little trimming of my presents box:
7 years ago 3
[Persona 5 PSA] The Gamespot review of Persona 5 apparently contains a spoiler for the end game boss (apparently - I didn't watch it myself).
8 years ago 20
So, on one hand, an announcement that I haven't been reading plurk much in the past two weeks and, alas, the timeline runs out after about a day, so I will have missed stuff. On the other, [eu lcs]
8 years ago 7
While I am not going to talk about it, at least not this evening, I feel I would be doing you all a disservice if I did not let you know that Moana is extremely good.
8 years ago 21
[love live] So, after Vyc told me about getting Halloween Riko, I decided to pull, just to get my Aquors in line since I haven't pulled for them yet despite some nice sets. (Still pondering.)
[pokémon white] So this will likely get commented to very slowly, but this is a dumping ground for impressions as I play. (Yes, I just started this game in the past couple of weeks.)
8 years ago 18
[pokémon go] So it was too dark out and investigate by the time I got things set up to actually go anywhere, but I already have evidence that I may be near a Dratini spawn point.
8 years ago 69
[smartphones/seeking advice] So, how much data is a reasonable amount to use in a month, assuming that I use wifi instead when it is available?