13Friends 3Fans
female Singapore
It's hard to understand me ;D
Yiling! says
14 years ago 1
ok off to bed, don't wna fall asleep in lectures tmr hahahah!
Yiling! says
14 years ago 2
school officially starts today. (N)
Yiling! says
14 years ago
wa lao, i always knock dao here knock dao there de leh. And I just knocked my leg onto the chair ARGH.
Yiling! is
14 years ago
looking forward to tmr(later) :-))
14 years ago 2
created a twitter account, so might not be so active in plurk alr. But then i guess i'll be updating on both sides. :-))
Yiling! is
14 years ago 3
super pissed now, all thanks to my twitter.
Yiling! says
14 years ago
timetable amended and i hate it.
Yiling! says
14 years ago
and i really got into the Family and Youth Work. Really regretted choosing that as my first choice for elective argh -.-
14 years ago 9
got my timetable alr. Got 2 days dismiss @ 4PM. ):
14 years ago
pray hard my new timetable will be a good one.