8Friends 4Fans
male San Francisco, CA, United States
16 years ago
gear check went well, everything fits, feels good, & works properly. still packing, doing laundry, cleaning, preparing to go out on the town
16 years ago
is swimming against the current today... f*k the current.
16 years ago
no, "plugging in my ewok" is not a euphemism... is.gd/gYP2
16 years ago
could actually achieve what he wants to do with only 4' x 3' of interesting, exposed, urban wall in SF #inaugurationart who do u know who..?
16 years ago
looking for a wall to spraypaint a 24' satirical stencil on this weekend that wouldn't involve breaking any laws... anyone own a cool wall?
16 years ago
not feeling so hot, thinking of prescribing a heavy dose of going home early, taking aleve, eating soup, & sleeping through some movies...
16 years ago
Rad, Zivity was nominated for another Crunchie this year: "Best Time Sink Site or Application." You can vote her.. hellotxt.com/cK5H
16 years ago
has the next 6 days off. I wonder if that means I'll update more or less. Going dark for 24 hours: no 'puter, web, email, facebook, twitter.
16 years ago
New York Times: Wonderful? Sorry, George, It’s a Pitiful, Dreadful Life - is.gd/cLEW
16 years ago
fought bay bridge traffic, arrived safe at home, ate the leftover pork chop, tried to find an imaginary auto-shop, smoked ...now what?