3Friends 3Fans
female Lagos, Nigeria
yentze says
15 years ago 7
yentze says
15 years ago
in case i don't have access to internet after this..I would like to wish all my friends...
yentze says
15 years ago 3
my husband will arrive on fri. afternoon to KL..going to airport to pick him up
yentze says
15 years ago 10
i was recovering from jetlag....hv been sleeping for 2 days...and sigh...no wireless internet around my area...today i managed to access
yentze says
15 years ago 4
hello friends, very sorry that i was silent for a while..cuz busy packing and was in the flight for 2 days and arrived malaysia on monday
yentze says
15 years ago 2
i am having a farewell dinner for a colleague on Thursday nite in my house..so..busy again preparing ...
yentze says
15 years ago 9
i have been busy since sunday...i am better now.
yentze says
15 years ago 6
i see so many responses...but i can not catch up..cause i'm feeling dizzy by reading them..still don't feel good
yentze says
15 years ago 5
i just realized ...i can use the drop-down of selection of words expression...oh..my..so stucked in Lagos..and becoming 'goo-goo'
yentze is
15 years ago 9
coyoteUgly..happy for u...cause u r gearing up decorating yr house for x'mas...so in mood now