4Friends 1Fans
female Jourdanton, TX, United States
yayamars has
14 years ago
posted new items for sale. www.wix.com/manate/quilt...
yayamars is
14 years ago
setting up a website to sell my quilts.
yayamars wants
15 years ago
to know when 'o when is my mouth going to get back to normal?!?!
yayamars thinks
15 years ago
when u unsubscribe from spam that they put u on 5 more lists! Arrrgh!
yayamars has
15 years ago
just gotten a flu shot. Owwwwch!
yayamars says
15 years ago
my car SOOOO needs a good bath inside and out.
yayamars is
15 years ago
Just joined Plurk; checking it out.