Fought with Godot's lighting today, basically no global illumination solution they have actually works as it should. At this point I'll do some artistic workarounds and pray no one notices. Fixed small stuff too and took notes on things I need to reach done.
Didn't try to get anything done today, did some Christmas shopping
Main work item yesterday was fixing an issue with some animations causing a lot of lag. Weird Godot issue where if you change the loop setting on an animation in the wrong menu it will work fine but lag to shit. Forgot to make a post about it last night.
Made the credits look nicer, very slight bit of work on the chase enemies for the finale
Chilling today, no progress.
Invisible walls and the credits are done, drunk now, life sucks.
Set up colliders, animations, and root motion for some mannequins to act as the final combat sequence monsters. Giving them some kinda brain for the ending sequence shouldn't be too hard, I won't bother with pathfinding and will do preset things everywhere.
Work and cooking was the focus today, no progress.
Finished up the birthday room, pretty happy with it. If I add in the chase sequence stuff it will be feature complete. Then its a matter of cleaning up the lighting, adding some walls in places, and giving stuff nicer animations, and more spooky scares if possible