Just chilling today, and probably will tomorrow too. Might get another playtest Sunday but I feel like I'm on schedule so I can relax a little.
Fixed up everything I wanted, haven't gotten a hold of the next tester yet sadly. It feels very done to me though, itch page is ready and all that. Fingers crossed the next test is clean.
Need mouse sensitivity settings, showing controls on start of game, and a button to open the folder with the camera pictures. Tester got trapped in a corner by the freaks so as a workaround I think I'll let you push them, so its not a softlock at least. Might need to consider the starting stairs, the invisible walls are distracting apparently.
Got a blind playtest, no new issues popped up but workarounds and possibly warnings for known issues should be added. Windows defender complaining about the exe isn't surprising but it is annoying. Lag spikes on first time effects is another issue, a classic and just as dumb. Will see about fixing that and then try to get another blind test then be done.
Light maps broke a bit so I once again had to fix random crap, but I did finish it and export it, 150MB zipped up is too much but I am not in the mood to fight that. Had some light playtesting and seems like everything functions at least, looking for fresh eyes to see if people can find their way around.
Internet is dead today, at least I have mobile data. Outside of adding a text intro the game is done. Play testing begins.
Got performance up from 30 at best to 90 at worst, very happy about that. However it means I really have to rework the ending. So far the changes I made feel pretty fun and only drop the framerate a moderate amount. Tomorrow some more work on that, then after finishing touches, then playtesting.
So animations in Godot can change settings in the editor even without playing, my hatred for this engine grows stronger every day. Anyway making progress, will start requesting friends do some playtesting and help with design of the chase sequence tomorrow.
Improved random stuff, and found more issues. Sadly the fix to the light leaking in the ending sequence causes performance issues so I'm rethinking how that will work. Also the bad normals on my map is causing some dumb collision issues and I'm NOT changing the model, no sir.