10Friends 2Fans
female Solano, Philippines
roseann says
14 years ago
# # I think the best time to say that you have already found the RIGHT one is when you stopped looking for somebody else
roseann says
14 years ago
There's nothing wrong in being bitter.. Remember, medicines usually taste bitter...but it makes you well.
roseann says
14 years ago
Love is never lost. If not reciprocated, it will flow back and soften and purify the heart.
roseann says
14 years ago
Make your ANGER so expensive that no one can afford it. And make your HAPPINESS so cheap that people get it free from you.
roseann says
14 years ago
"Find out wat makes u happy and pursue it".. But wud it be nice if it wud be.. "find out what makes ur life miserable and stop doing it"..ü
roseann says
14 years ago
If you think i love you because you are my friend... Then always keep that thought in mind..ü
roseann says
14 years ago
F it takes great courage to stand nd fight for something. Sometimes, it takes even greater courage to just walk away nd leave things behind
roseann says
14 years ago
One of the happiest thing on earth is when you know that you're inlove with someone... Who's more inlove with you!
roseann says
14 years ago
You don't need to do everything to be happy, you just need to take care of the person who's making you happy..ü
roseann says
14 years ago
"It's impossible" said d pride."It's risky" said d experience."It's meaningless"said d common sense. "Give it a chance" whispered the heart