3Friends 6Fans
female Houston, TX, United States
xuetingloveyou says
14 years ago
School was okay today, many funny sple in class. (:
xuetingloveyou says
14 years ago
CAN YOU BELIEVE IT. I actually did spring cleaning justnow! Neglected some messages though, HAHAHA.
xuetingloveyou says
14 years ago
Had ljs for both ystd and today's late dinner. Fat die me. Otw home now, so tired.
xuetingloveyou says
14 years ago
Have your mind instilled w happy thoughts; be a happy person. :-)
xuetingloveyou says
14 years ago
How come by seeing some pple ruins my mood when i dont hate them. (!)
xuetingloveyou says
14 years ago
Had mac for late dinner, bound t grow fat. The food is tasteless. Sauces too. :-(
xuetingloveyou says
14 years ago
Suddenly, i miss you alot. <3
xuetingloveyou says
14 years ago
Bus im boarding now is full of funny ppl. Cant stop laughing. :B
xuetingloveyou says
14 years ago
Wanted to have lunch at jp w a happy mood, but things just ruin my mood! ARGH SO PISSED OFF NOW! I should go home in th first place instead!
xuetingloveyou says
14 years ago
Its gonna rain v soon, and its a v good time for me to sleep. Late day lateron! ;D