sylvia tansil
11Friends 1Fans
female Surabaya, Indonesia
sylvia tansil
13 years ago 1
boss said: "sylvia, u're coming with me to China this sunday." WHAAA???
sylvia tansil is
13 years ago
xhausted!! woke up 4AM in d morning, took a fast shower, headed straight back to surabaya which took 1 hour drive or so.. oh my leg, my eyee
sylvia tansil shares
13 years ago 5
Canon 550D/lens 50mm fix f/1.8
sylvia tansil shares
13 years ago
sylvia tansil shares
13 years ago
going through family (esp niece n nephew) pics over and over again, never bored..
sylvia tansil is
13 years ago
missing this two kiddos
sylvia tansil feels
13 years ago 1
the fun holiday with fams is awesome.. couldn't wait for next event..
sylvia tansil feels
13 years ago 1
thankful... 謝謝老闆送我紅包 (weighing the envelope)... *smirk
sylvia tansil says
13 years ago
thanks God i survive Hangzhou's cold winter.. hate snow, not pretty at all
sylvia tansil feels
13 years ago