71Friends 27Fans
female Singapore
A ordinary girl who loves anime and a fanatic of chocolates.
she cant live without music and she loves her friends:-D
you can add me in msn: [email protected] or facebook.

Dao Xiang - Jay Chou Lyrics
Erri5ter says
10 years ago
Wow, been long since i last log in
Erri5ter says
11 years ago
Some people are just passer by in your life.
Erri5ter says
11 years ago
Everything has its place and time
Erri5ter says
11 years ago
When you truly care for someone, their mistakes never change our feelings because it s the mind that gets angry but the heart still cares.
Erri5ter says
11 years ago
Sometimes you just have to let go of things, not because you are giving up. But because you realize that it just…
Erri5ter says
12 years ago
We fear rejection, want attention, crave affection and dream of perfection. This is human nature
Erri5ter says
12 years ago
Every oak tree started out as a couple of nuts who decided to stand their ground..
Erri5ter says
12 years ago
Sometimes we push others away for fear of getting hurt.
Erri5ter says
12 years ago
To me life is like climbing a mountain you struggle to get to the top were everything is just so perfect but wit…
Erri5ter says
12 years ago
The pain you're feeling is directly proportional to the importance of the person behind it..