14Friends 19Fans
female Saudi Arabia
I cnt find a w0rds to describe me,i dnt want also to say all the g0od character that u may like me but I L0ve being me thou im a little bit wierd0:-D
Xharm says
13 years ago
never leave something good to find something better,b'coz once you relize you had the best,the best has found better (wave)
Xharm shares
13 years ago
Tamyra Gray-Dance With My Father Again (With Lyrics) i missmy papang so much... :-(
13 years ago
never regret anyb0dy in y0ur life,because g0od pe0ple give us happiness and bad pe0ple give us experience..b0th are essential in life:-D
13 years ago
Even a g0od player will s0meday be a t0y of a better player it's called "KARMA".be careful of what & wh0 y0u d0 wr0ng:-|
13 years ago
no 0ne can change a pers0n,but s0me0ne can be that pers0n's reas0n to change:-)
13 years ago
mitchyu much:-P
13 years ago
life never st0ps pushing f0rward.stay f0cused and never sl0w d0wn with regrets,smile,f0rgive,f0rget and keep m0ving;-)
13 years ago
13 years ago
kpg0d mn tlga!wanna rest..sna dec na...
13 years ago
S0metimes being al0ne gives y0u space to gr0w,it's hard to gr0w when y0ur t0 cl0se t0 s0me0ne