14Friends 19Fans
female Saudi Arabia
I cnt find a w0rds to describe me,i dnt want also to say all the g0od character that u may like me but I L0ve being me thou im a little bit wierd0:-D
Xharm says
13 years ago
Wish y0u all a very Blessed Ramadan:-)
Xharm shares
13 years ago
Before The Storm - Miley Cyrus Feat. Nick Jonas (+ Lyrics) (music)
13 years ago
d0n't pr0mise me things,I d0n't trust w0rds,I trust acti0ns;-)
13 years ago
y0u g0tta start listening t0 y0ur brain every 0nce in a while if y0u want t0 save y0ur heart;-)
Xharm says
13 years ago
:-( bt bumaba karma ko?kainis mn! :-(
Xharm feels
13 years ago
boring 0_o
13 years ago
n0 matter wh0 tries t0 teach y0u less0ns 'bout life,y0u w0n't understand it until y0u g0 thr0ugh it 0n y0ur 0wn:-)
13 years ago
Pe0ple d0n't always change,they just find new ways t0 lie t0 y0u^^
13 years ago
It's hard t0 rebuild the bridges 0f trust after they were ruined by y0ur lies^_^
13 years ago
I've learned that n0 matter h0w much i care,s0me people just d0n't care back:-/