587Friends 836Fans
male Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
...a crusade against your conformity.

[email protected]
1 months ago 3 @Edit 1 months ago
ngobrol sama jurnalis SG, katanya kalo di SG wawancara pemerintah kalo emg pemerintah gak mau ya gak mau; dan kalo mereka mau ya langsung aja wwcr biar cpt selesai. dia keheran2an kalo di ID, kita harus keliatan ngoyo bgt, harus mau di-"nanti ya"-in berkali2, baru bisa diterima. kalo bisa ribet ngapain dibikin gampang lol
[email protected]
1 months ago 2 @Edit 1 months ago
"Pak Harto, as the center of power, was actually good, it was just that he was surrounded by corrupt assistants."
kayak pernah denger deh omongan ini belum lama ini (hassle) tapi ngomongin siapa gitu, orde yg lain
[email protected]
1 months ago 3
Has the laugh of Jeff Bezos changed as he got rich?jeff bezos gimana caranya yg mukanya tadinya bapak2 biasa sekarang bisa jadi keliatan kayak supervillain
[email protected]
1 months ago 3 @Edit 1 months ago
5 Types of Manipulators at Work
sering liat 1, 2, sama 5. jadi ini manipulatif?
[email protected]
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
Dear TV writers: Please stop being weird about prono...THIS is my problems with those new "sci-fi" writers of popular IP (Star Wars, Star Trek, etc). It's a damn sci-fi, a world where non-binary is the norm. Don't bring your heteronormative assumptions just to gesture that you want to be inclusive. So tasteless and stupid, almost like they didn't understand the canon materials.
[email protected]
1 months ago 2
ada conference soal climate crisis. diadain di hotel bintang 5 yg tanahnya hasil gusuran paksa. nerbangin gembong2 PBB dsj dari seluruh dunia pake first class flight. kayaknya ada yg salah deh lol
[email protected]
1 months ago 2 @Edit 1 months ago
fffff lupa matiin langganan grammarly yg gak pernah dipake lagi, duit ketarik 1jt wtf, gak bisa di-refund ya ini
Pameran dan Gelar Wicara: Gamechanger: Gim untuk Dam...bakal mejeng di sini tanggal 29 Juni nanti B-)
[email protected]
1 months ago 8 @Edit 1 months ago
ada gak sih cara buat syncing/mirror segala data yang ada di website kita? mtermasuk DB. jadi semacam buat autobackup tapi di tempat lain berhubung hostingnya ini sangat gak reliable
shadowbanning with AI is the most brainrot "solution" by those big tech platforms and they should be nucleared for this shithead solution