[email protected]
2 months ago @Edit 2 months ago
ada gak sih cara buat syncing/mirror segala data yang ada di website kita? mtermasuk DB. jadi semacam buat autobackup tapi di tempat lain berhubung hostingnya ini sangat gak reliable
latest #8
2 months ago
Tergantung seberapa in-depth access ke stacknya. The deeper tour access, the more option (aha)
2 months ago
Also the depth of your wallet matters (ninja)
2 months ago
I assumed you have a local server/computer connected to internet all the time and you don’t have enough control to your hosting but have sftp access for it.

So you can do a simple cronjob that does rsync and db dump like mysqldump.
2 months ago
2 months ago
kalo gak ada local machine buat disetup kayak gitu bisa pake VM di digitalocean atau linode juga sih
brilliant! why didn't i think of that! budget lagi terbatas banget jadi kayaknya ini lebih preferable, walau gak terhubung ke internet setiap saat tapi minimal pas kompunya dipake bisa lah ya (aha) bekzilla: dwan: WCumum:
2 months ago
Lol iya step2nya dean aja
bekzilla: tapi soal akses dan soal budget, mmg bisa sampe berapa mas? (aha)
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