214Friends 141Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
Principal Engineer at HTC
wuman says
10 years ago
wuman says
10 years ago 1
最近卯起來寫 golang... 特別喜歡 goroutine and channels, 不過除此之外好像就還好。
10 years ago 4
上星期接受了 TechTalk@TW 的訪問,內容介紹了 vert.x 這套跑在 JVM 上的 framework。 www.techtalk.tw/2013/09/...
11 years ago
I'll be speaking about vert.x at the Taiwan Java User Group. Feel free to sign up and join. TWJUG六月份聚會
11 years ago
My most proud pull request on GitHub. I'd like to think that it led to the sponsorship of travis-ci by Twitter. :-P elephant-bird
wuman shares
11 years ago
Just released OrientDB-Android and awaiting for the push sync to maven central...
wuman shares
11 years ago
Introducing JReadability: Making Web Content Easy-to-Read