{女僕致意}經過一個月的實習莉莉雅現在成為Winter Rhrine的正式成員囉!謝謝這期間前輩們與主人們的支持,日後我會繼續努力的!(笑) After a month of trial I have finally become an official member of Winter Rhine! Thank you for all the support & I will continue to improve
{女僕致意}大小姐們與少爺們好(笑)這是莉莉雅在宅邸的第一個聖誕節呢!不知道各位主人會希望有什麼樣的互動或禮物呢? Greetings my dear Ladies and Masters! With my 1st Christmas at Winter Rhine approaching, I was wonder what kind of gifts everyone would like to receive?
{女僕致意}轉眼間已經十二月了呢!莉莉雅外婆家的聖誕樹似乎裝飾好了~不知道大小姐與少爺們開始為聖誕節裝飾了嗎? It seems like my family has already started decorating for Christmas! I Wonder if my Masters & Ladies have done the same?
{女僕致意}莉莉雅的首次營業不知道主人們覺得如何呢?好在有白芷前輩的細心帶領,這次營業終究是圓滿落幕了呢(笑) I wonder what does my Master's and Ladies think of my first formal service? I believe it was fortunately a success with the careful guidance of Miss 白芷.
{女僕致意}主人們早安,今天是大家常常忘記的感恩節喔!莉莉雅最感恩的是擁有服侍主人們的機會~希望各位也能擁有充滿感恩的一天!(燦笑) Happy Thanksgiving my Masters & Ladies! For Thanksgiving, I'm most grateful for the chance to serve my Masters & Ladies everyday! (Big smile)