{女僕致意}親愛的主人們早安~似乎有些主人對莉莉雅的國家有些好奇呢(掩嘴輕笑)所以今日決定為主人們準備莉莉雅的國家所喜愛的早餐 。
latest #27
Good morning my dear Masters & Ladies~ it seems like my country is now the mystery of the week so I decided to prepare well-loved breakfast from my country, please enjoy! (smiles)
莉莉雅早安 (hungry)
koi0315: Koi大小姐早安!今日大小姐有任何有趣的計畫嗎?(笑)
vita8383226: 是bacon, hash brown & eggs喔!(笑)
嗯… (thinking) 沒有
7 years ago
午安 莉莉雅
vita8383226: 活力滿滿的才能開開心心的過一天呀!(笑)
koi0315: 沒有的話也不錯呀!可以放鬆心情~
f7706: 曉莉大小姐午安(笑)
7 years ago
wr_lillav: 嗯...吃過午餐了?
wr_lillav: 等我下班就放假了 w 就可以放鬆了~~~
f7706: 吃過了!謝謝大小姐關心(歪頭笑)大小姐呢?有沒有按時吃飯呢?
koi0315: 放假真好呀.... 莉莉雅的長假才剛結束呢(苦笑)
7 years ago
wr_lillav: 有 今天下午沒課 想說來翻譯一下WTO的判決
f7706: 大小姐真厲害呢!(燦笑著拍拍手)
7 years ago
wr_lillav: 別消遣我了呀...才沒有呢 心不靜才做這些無聊事啊...
It is looks so delicious ~~~~I'm so hungry QQQ. Now,I'm eating an apple hahaha
f7706: 莉莉雅還是覺得能夠將翻譯作為消遣活動是很厲害的喔!!
YeWook840305: Oh no my Lady! Please have something with more sustenance! (Worried expression)
7 years ago
wr_lillav: 也不是啊 就是...該怎麼說 這一直以來是小莉的壞習慣 其實心浮氣躁 只能做很多自己還做不來的事情轉移一下注意力呢...
長假剛結束,就等待另一個長假吧! 這樣會有期待感 w
wr_lillav: OK I know QQQQ. At that time, I'm so lazy and have not any food in my room. Actually,I really like eating food~~~~~
YeWook840305: Please do take care of yourself my Lady! Although I am in no position to lecture you right now since I've been without food all day as well (apologetic smile)
wr_lillav: Lilia also eats more food on the time!!!!!!! We can urge each other!!!
YeWook840305: Definitely! Let's be healthier together!! (big big smile)
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