6Friends 8Fans
female Round Lake Beach, IL, United States
WAH wife. Hope to be a mother someday. I'm a Sr. Consultant for Just Jewelry, where everything is $32 or less. www.selljustjewelry.com Stop by my blog! www.amylovesjewelry.blogspot.com
wonderfullymade is
15 years ago
excited. Just got new ring sizers to pass out with catalog party kits. Great for those that say they'd buy if they knew their size.
wonderfullymade is
15 years ago 2
going car shopping now. :-)
wonderfullymade is
15 years ago 7
excited! 2 more members joined our JJ Team over the weekend! Now we have 7 including me! :-)
wonderfullymade has
15 years ago 2
just had a crystal light explosion. Red fruit punch all over my kitchen (and stained my hands and feet!) Ugh!
wonderfullymade is
15 years ago
off to lunch and a free McCafe Mocha!
wonderfullymade is
15 years ago
just getting her home office finally completely set up. :-)
wonderfullymade is
15 years ago 3
wishing everyone a happy Friday!
wonderfullymade is
15 years ago
visiting with my sis and her fam. Driving back home later today. :-(
wonderfullymade is
15 years ago 4
enter to win 30 soy tart samples! www.satisfyyoursenses.bl...
wonderfullymade is
15 years ago 7
really confused with plurk. Gotta learn it.