8Friends 2Fans
female Fresno, CA, United States
wildcat1828 is
14 years ago
going to bed very tired
wildcat1828 wants
14 years ago 4
to know if we will ever see any of that 203 million wells fargo is suppose to pay back to people for over draft fees
wildcat1828 thinks
14 years ago
its funny that allison gave Phil a piece of paper with a girls number on it for car work but she says she was doodling it had xoxo on it lol
wildcat1828 wishes
14 years ago 8
David you leave not to be mean but I'm tired and Phils been asleep for over and hour lol
wildcat1828 says
14 years ago 1
I guess it must of been awhile I have no karma now
wildcat1828 wishes
14 years ago 4
time didn't go by so fast now. I feel like I never get enough done
wildcat1828 needs
14 years ago 1
to learn how to use this again it's been along time
wildcat1828 wonders
15 years ago
am I the only one that can never get this to work. I had been trying to refresh my screen all day
wildcat1828 is
15 years ago
going camping
wildcat1828 is
15 years ago
the heat wave would end 112 yesterday and 109 for today.