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male Austin, TX, United States
wesbridel says
12 years ago
Deflationary Crash in process... ow.ly/bqOis
wesbridel says
12 years ago
PrudentBear - Credit Bubble Bulletin- ow.ly/blD9p
wesbridel says
12 years ago
Full Scale Currency War | Kingdom Calling - ow.ly/bg3g7
wesbridel says
12 years ago
Understanding J.P. Morgan’s Loss, And Why More Might Be Coming | The Big Picture - ow.ly/aVNXR
wesbridel says
12 years ago
our daughter Willow is born! - ow.ly/aTGrA
wesbridel says
12 years ago
Economic Alert: If You’re Not Worried Yet…You Should Be | ZeroHedge - ow.ly/aMpnS
wesbridel says
12 years ago
We're About To Have One Of The Biggest Weeks That Anyone Can Remember ow.ly/aBtvj
wesbridel says
12 years ago
The US Will See Real Recession | Kingdom Calling - ow.ly/azW70
wesbridel says
12 years ago
Another way to kill US farmers: Seize their bank accounts on phony charges | ow.ly/awkFV
wesbridel says
12 years ago
CORZINE RAISES $500,000 FOR OBAMA(wow, I just saw this) ow.ly/aw0DF