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wendytre 分享
8 years ago
Praise Dance | Kingdom Song of Praise "Let’s See Who... New songs and dances of the kingdom takes on a scene that a team of vibrant and energetic God’s chosen people come before God’s throne.
wendytre 分享
8 years ago
Second Coming of Jesus | Chinese Chorus "God Has Ret... Accompaniment: Ah … ah … ah … ah….
1. O Zion, shout for joy! O Zion, sing! God has returned triumphant; God has returned victorious! O all peoples, line up quickly.
wendytre 分享
8 years ago
Praise Music | Korean Choir of the Church of Almight... When everyone is eagerly expecting the Lord Jesus to openly descend upon a white cloud, God has been incarnated again to be the Son of man. He came to the world quietly,
wendytre 分享
8 years ago
Worship Music | Chinese Chorus "All Nations Come to ... You open Your broad bosom and caress the moaning mankind.
wendytre 分享
8 years ago 1
災難中是神保守了我們全家 2012年7月21日我們村爆發了六十年不遇的大洪水,災難從天而降,洪水夾雜著泥石流洗劫了整個村莊,大多數房子被洪水和泥石流沖毀。
wendytre 分享
8 years ago
識破披著羊皮的狼的詭計 經常看到各宗各派抵擋末世到來的基督的種種惡行,也時常聽到各宗各派對末世到來的基督的作工的種種誣衊與褻瀆的話。
wendytre 分享
8 years ago 1
回家的路 我出生在農村,自我出生時父親就生着病。儘管如此,他還每天帶着我玩,我坐在他的肩頭爬上山崗去兜風,聽他講故事,我的童年還是無憂無慮的。
wendytre 分享
8 years ago 1
http://i2.wp.com/www.expecthim.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/family-810297_1280-e1448593728923.jpg 孩子眼中的窮與富 我在網上看到過這樣一個故事:有一天,有個富翁為了教育兒子,想讓兒子知道自己有多幸運能生在富裕人家,於是就帶他去鄉下體會窮人們怎麼生活的。
wendytre 分享
8 years ago
神是萬物生命的源頭《從亙古到永遠的那一位主宰著這一切》 茫茫宇宙穹蒼,多少生靈在繁衍生息,周而復始地在遵循著生命的規律,遵循著一個不變的­­­法則。啊⋯⋯啊⋯⋯啊⋯⋯啊⋯⋯(朗誦:在萬物其間、在天宇之上有一位從亙古到永­遠­的­那一位主宰著這一切。)