10Friends 1Fans
female Tainan, Taiwan
wen_when says
13 years ago 1
wen_when feels
13 years ago 1
wen_when feels
13 years ago 1
聖誕節快到了...好開心.... (goodluck)
wen_when feels
13 years ago 1
太好了....我對你沒感覺了..... (woot)
wen_when thinks
13 years ago
好累...感覺快要感冒了... :-(
wen_when thinks
13 years ago
wen_when was
13 years ago
錄音.... (music)
wen_when feels
13 years ago
會來了.....好累.... :-&
wen_when wants
13 years ago
sleep.....gut9.... (wave)
wen_when says
13 years ago
I know that I'm doing the wrong things to you..I'm sorry...and I promise I'll never do it again...Frenz 4ever... (cozy)