Desperately needing a life should be much more than this
今天畫3D的時候才突然驚覺 原來設計根本就是勞力活...對視力和手指的折騰...哀...
Happniess is determined not by your location, but by how you ultilize time.
If the accident happens this time...I will let it arrive
在第61届法兰克福国际书展上,首度作为主题国的中国,在中国书区内另设台湾地区图书,并在每本书封贴上绿色标志“本书中任何违反一个中国原则的立场和内容词句一律不予承认”。 真是一個智障的國家沒信心的行為....
I love you guys...even thought this may not last forever.
放假在家得聞樓下鄰居裝修的噴漆味 上班又得忍受樓下店面施工的電鑽聲 天那這噩夢什麼時候才會終結