5Friends 5Fans
female Los Angeles, CA, United States
15 years ago 1
yikes, Karma dive!!! :-o
weirdthestripper has
15 years ago
that Coldplay song that Chris Martin ripped off stuck in her head. She likes it either way.
15 years ago 3
dude, I totally miss you!
weirdthestripper is
15 years ago
insane in the membrane
weirdthestripper says
15 years ago
shouldn't be awake yet! It's so early...
weirdthestripper says
15 years ago
holy shimsham, Batman, my karma went down!
weirdthestripper says
15 years ago 1
it's my party and I'll strip if I want to, strip if I want to, strip if I want to– you would strip too if it happened to you (bumbumbumbum)
weirdthestripper is
15 years ago 1
listening to abba. binary waterloo!!!
15 years ago 2
doesn't want to grow up, she's a Toys 'я' us Kid
15 years ago
happy birthday Trevor ! <3