0Friends 4Fans
male Ashland, OR, United States
16 years ago 1
Here's what I ate last night - mmmm good. webjourneys.wordpress.co...
16 years ago
Kitties need some more food. It's amazing how much such a small being can eat :-)
16 years ago
Aloha to the new social day. My Social Networking lists are moving along at a steady pace!
webjourney is
16 years ago
OOPS! messed up the IMDB link to Outland - www.imdb.com/title/tt008...
webjourney is
16 years ago
1981's Outland with Sean Connery is kind of like Blakwater in space. Creepy like Aliens without the aliens -(www.imdb.com/title/tt008...
webjourney is
16 years ago 3
Organic wine gives you a great lift without all the sulfites. My nose is happier...
webjourney is
16 years ago
Any ideas on what to use for pickling - ie a croc pot that isn't a cooker?
webjourney is
16 years ago
Time for some Mediterranean Lentil Soup