skull and crossbones noun [S]: a picture of a skull with two long bones crossing each other under it, which warns of death or danger,
get sth into your (thick) skull INFORMAL : to understand something with difficulty
skull: noun [C] the bones of the head, which surround the brain and give the head its shape
fuse (MELT) : verb [I or T] to (cause to) melt (together) especially at a high temperature:
we're looking at presenting information using three types of diagrams - a bar graph, line graph, and a pie chart.
fuse box noun [C]: a container holding several fuses, such as all the fuses for the electrical system of a single house
fuse (JOIN): verb [I or T] to join or become combined
fuse (DEVICE ON EXPLOSIVE): a string or piece of paper connected to a firework or other explosive item by which it is lit,