29Friends 101Fans
male Silver Spring, MD, United States
vicious. unrepentant. bitter. old. queen. visit my blog at
vuboq says
12 years ago
Muscle relaxant then likker, never sicker. Likker then muscle relaxant ... ???
vuboq says
12 years ago
Dear Trader Joe's Kettle Corn Cookies, I've said this before, and I'll say it again. I think I luuuuuuv you. Love, Me.
vuboq says
12 years ago
What could be more patriotic than a Gin and Tonic? Nothing. That's what! (and I've been laying off the pain medz all day so I can have one)
vuboq says
12 years ago
Will a muscle relaxant dissolve in a martini? Stay tuned for the exciting result! #workingfromhome
vuboq says
12 years ago
Do you know what the most awesome thing in the world is when you haven't had electricity for 3 days (and counting)? Ice.
vuboq says
12 years ago
Horizontal. It's the way to be.
vuboq says
12 years ago
Going to work (they have a/c & internetz!). Who knew putting on underwear could be so difficult? #owmyback
vuboq says
12 years ago
Bad back. No power. Credit card number stolen. ENOUGH ALREADY!!!
vuboq says
12 years ago
Day 427: No power. Back still ouch. Phone battery at 14%. Hot. Tired. Want ice cubes. If I don't get out of this alive, tell my family ...
vuboq says
12 years ago
Still no power. Worst week EVER? I think so.