4Friends 10Fans
female jakarta, Indonesia
Love :-)
love says
13 years ago
i miss hugging you!! :'-(
love says
13 years ago
why dont you care???
love says
13 years ago
In my dream last night, you were hugging me... and today its really happened! you hugged me just now :-D
love says
13 years ago
i know... im just a tissue for you... in which after u use it, u can throw it anywhere, anytime..
love says
13 years ago
cant you understand that im trying to make it back to normal?????
love says
13 years ago
honestly im bored answering those same question... again, again and again...
love says
13 years ago
if i know this will happen.. i prefer to not know you at all from the beginning
love says
13 years ago
could we hv that special moments again? :s
love says
13 years ago
maybe i never say it to you before.. but im sooo jealous :-(
love says
13 years ago
cant you understand?? that i want you to treated me like how you used to treated me...