4Friends 10Fans
female jakarta, Indonesia
Love :-)
love says
13 years ago
You are my sister and I will always love you, but why you dnt appreciate it at all :'-(
love says
13 years ago
I miss you so badly... :-(
love says
13 years ago
Im glad to know that you miss me!! :-D ;;-)
love says
13 years ago
you dont even think about me who u called as best friend...
love says
13 years ago
now you only care about the guy you like and the guy who likes you..
love says
13 years ago
why cant you like understand how i feel!!!! :'-(
love says
13 years ago
i knw that in school i look fine but actually i cant live without talking to u :-(
love says
13 years ago
you dnt even bother to text me x_x how saddd :-( :-(
love says
13 years ago
why cant you understand?! that i miss u so badly... i want you to treat me like how you use to treated me... :-(
love says
13 years ago
i want to be always be part of my life...