2Friends 10Fans
male Swindon, Great Britain (UK)
I'm a writer and an artist. I usually write action/adventure or horror stories and publish them on Bibliofaction.com. I also create custom graphics for people as well as website designs and profile templates.
vonnage says
13 years ago
There is only one constant in this universe - Chuck Norris :-D
vonnage shares
13 years ago
recently wrote a new short story in the 2nd person perspective - Medieval Mayhem - Bibliofaction.com
vonnage says
13 years ago
Don't judge someone based on their previous relationships - judge them on how they make YOU feel and how they treat YOU.
vonnage says
13 years ago 2
don't have time for Plurking today :-( gotta hand out CV's in town
vonnage says
13 years ago
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but unkind words could lead to emotional damage, mental problems, depression and suicide.
vonnage likes
13 years ago
hot cups of tea and bacon butties whilst curled up on the sofa :-)
vonnage says
13 years ago
I wish I had a nemesis....I've always wanted a nemesis.
vonnage is
13 years ago
not a telephone company with reception issues... :-))