2Friends 4Fans
female Indonesia
violavictoria feels
13 years ago
so high here
violavictoria feels
14 years ago
it must be half of year since my last update
violavictoria feels
15 years ago
so bored... don't know how to finish this year well... must i give up now?
violavictoria hates
15 years ago
my karmawas decreased... br ingat uda g ol lama x
violavictoria feels
15 years ago
tired... after queue since 9 till 15
violavictoria feels
15 years ago
bored... cie lum plg... g da tmn ngbrl...
violavictoria likes
15 years ago
her new haircut...
violavictoria hates
15 years ago
my karma is decrease...
violavictoria hates
15 years ago
why all of my plan can't run smoothly
violavictoria feels
15 years ago
curious. kok hari ni g temen les, g temen skul smua pada potong rambut? apa hari ni hari potong rambut se-indonesia? kok w g tau y.