Momma Ninja
37Friends 54Fans
female In the geographical center of nowhere., IA, United States
I am a homeschooling mom who works full time in the evenings as an LPN. I like to read, draw, cook, travel and laugh. My husband and I are proud parents of four children and happy to be grandparents of four more childen.
Momma Ninja says
12 years ago 9
We went to Iowa City for dinner and a little shopping today. Super fun! I have a new watercolor sketch book!
Momma Ninja says
12 years ago 8
haven't been on plurk in an age. I kind of miss the conversations.
Momma Ninja says
13 years ago 9
Diary of a day off:
Momma Ninja says
13 years ago
breakfast pizza how I love thee...
Momma Ninja says
13 years ago 7
I'm finally home. I stayed at work until the roads improved. This is the downside of not living in the town I work in.
Momma Ninja says
13 years ago 6
I am afraid I will get talked into working this weekend. I so need a weekend off!
Momma Ninja shares
13 years ago 51
Momma Ninja thinks
13 years ago 5
she has a logistic problem. How am I going to get three boys, Emily, Barry and I to SHINE in the morning??
Momma Ninja says
13 years ago 3
Midnight snack: a bowl of hot and spicy noodles. It comes with a packet called a soup booster that you add after it is all cooked...