► boy blue.
23Friends 25Fans
female Quincy, FL, United States
[email protected].

sorry peeps, no longer playing at Erro City!

best known as 90's Kon-El/Superboy.

I love comics, snakes, art, clowns, robots, porn, piercings, vidya, and dinosaurs. I hate overrated shit.
► boy blue.
12 years ago 1
who knew people still used plurk. kept my account preserved from rottening.
► boy blue.
13 years ago 8
before I forget. I'm cosplaying as Gamzee for San Japan 4TW in San Antonio, Texas in August.
► boy blue.
13 years ago 13
guess who's graduating from high school tomorrow? AW YEEEEEEE.
► boy blue.
13 years ago 18
► boy blue.
13 years ago 13
haha, haven't used this thing in FOREVER.
► boy blue.
13 years ago 43
[erro] hnngh. as hard as this may be, I'm at the point where I want to drop.
► boy blue.
13 years ago 8
[erro] oh... we have a Supes now~?
► boy blue.
14 years ago 5
[meme] character ages.
► boy blue.
14 years ago
couldn't bring myself to post. my muses aren't here with me, and so I may need to extend my hiatus. we'll see what happens.
► boy blue.
14 years ago
[pkmn black] currently on my sixth badge. ON THE ROAD, ON THE ROAD -- VIRIDIAN CITY. /shot