6Friends 4Fans
male Puchong, Malaysia
Male, Malaysian, Studying, Hating Life. Thank you. HAHAHA!

I blog at by the way.
usws says
12 years ago
Whenever I want to, all I have to do is
Gyy-yy-yy-yy-mm, gym, gym, gym...
usws says
12 years ago
I think I'm over-educated.
usws says
12 years ago
I should totally pick out a good photogenic mugshot of me in case I ever went missing.
usws says
12 years ago
Work has taught me the importance of covering my butt, looking busy, acting informed & eeny-meeny- miny-moe-ing assertiveness. I'll go far.
usws says
12 years ago
I wouldn't have to discriminate against you if you were nice.
usws says
12 years ago
If your job doesn't teach you to be a leader, it should at least show you how not to be one.
usws says
12 years ago
To go beyond Earth Hour, I pledge to stop going to work.
usws says
13 years ago
I'm so invisible, it's almost a super power..
usws says
13 years ago
'Good' jobs are shiny, high in demand and may even make you feel good for a while. But they're just plain evil like Apple. :-)
usws says
13 years ago
Employee engagement. With the wall.