24Friends 40Fans
female Cebu, Philippines
I am what I am
ushersean says
14 years ago
it is not our culture to sin, it is our nature to sin; and only GOD will change that nature.
ushersean says
14 years ago
Don't never know what a person's story is...leave that up to God!
ushersean says
14 years ago
The world can't end in 2012...i have a yogurt that expires in 2013.
ushersean says
14 years ago
An "ex" is called an "ex" because it's an EXample of who you shouldn't go for again in the future. :-P
ushersean says
15 years ago
a lot of wat i cannot see must b more rEaL dan wat i can see
ushersean says
15 years ago
Lord, i cry out for wisdom & knowledge....Your will be done.. :-)
ushersean says
15 years ago
it's plurking time.. (dance)
ushersean says
15 years ago
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me...
ushersean says
15 years ago 2
knsai naevict sa pbb lastnight?
ushersean says
15 years ago
I nEvEr KnEw tHaT l (heart)ve CoUlD bE sO wOnDeRFuL UnTil I mEt U :-)