7Friends 5Fans
male hilo, HI, United States
waiakea high.
blue eyes.
great like frosted flakes.
loves smart phones and people cause im not the brightest sun in world. =)
tyguy says
15 years ago
plukity plurkin. :-)
15 years ago
plurkity plurk plurkin. :-)
15 years ago
theres just so many social networking sites to be on at once! :-)
tyguy says
15 years ago
Haha so silly, I got Pluto on my phone! :-)
tyguy is
15 years ago
plurking it up! :-)
tyguy wishes
15 years ago
you would follow me on twitter: twitter.com/theofficialT...
tyguy wishes
15 years ago
is in seattle. :-)
tyguy wishes
15 years ago
life would flip.
tyguy wishes
15 years ago
he wasnt here
tyguy wishes
15 years ago 1
this year would come to an end. :-(